Photo: Turtle Reef Coral Relocation Project
How You Can Help
Every donation counts towards helping us with our conservation efforts! TC Reef’s operations and conservation projects are entirely funded through private donations and grants. From snorkel and dive moorings in the National Parks, to coral rescue and disease intervention, to education and outreach programs aimed at bridging the gap in access to the marine space in our islands, TC Reef is a community based organization that needs your help!
We are also a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. If you are a US citizens you can deduct donations on your income tax forms. You can chose to donate to our general fund or to specific projects by clicking on the drop down menu on the donation link below. We’d love to have you as part of the team!
You can learn more about our active projects and our future plans on our Projects page.
I want to be a member!
Great! We have a variety of membership levels you can partake in.
Platinum Members: $5,000+ per year - You or your company will
be featured on our Supporters and Sponsors page.
Gold Members: $1,000 per year - You or your company will be featured
on our Supporters and Sponsors page.
Silver Members: $500 per year
Bronze Members: $100 per year
do you Own a rental property
in Turks & Caicos islands?
Become a Certified Reef Keeper today! Enlisting your property in our Reef Keeper Conservation Program can help us keep the islands ‘Beautiful by Nature’ and further conservational efforts.
A commitment to improving your property’s sustainable initiatives and adding an optional donation of $2 per night towards reef conservation on your guest’s bill, is a small but HUGE way that you can help us grow our team and our reach.
Find out which tier suits your property best by emailing today!
Tier 1 — Basic Certification
Tier 2 — Supporting Certification
Tier 3 — Champion Reef Keeper
Help us preserve coral reefs for future generations
Be part of generation restoration and reach out to to see how you can get involved!